Okinawa's distinctive culture has developed in a climate and history different from that of mainland Japan. How have the changing times impacted Okinawan artists and their work?
"The History of Okinawa's Fine Arts" showcases many modern and contemporary Okinawan artwords and traces their changes over time.
001 Topic #1: Pre-war Okinawan Paintings
002 In Kaio-maru (Large ship) KITAGAWA, Tamiji
003 A Okinawa (Grandchildren) FOUJITA, Tsuguharu
004 Topic #2: Sugarcane Fields
005 Landscape in the Outskirts of Buenos Aires YAGI Seiko
007 Recollection of Shuri NADOYAMA, Aijun
009 Nishihara 1950 OMINE, Seikwan
010 Olympic Flame Arrived OSHIRO, Koya
011 Topic #4: Okinawa International Ocean Expo
012 OFF LIMITS OMINE, Shinichi
013 Road in the Sea KIKUMURA, Hiroshi